Chassis Lubrication: What It Is and Why You Need It

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At Landrum Lube, we know you care about your vehicle, and we want to help you take the best possible care of it. To do that, we offer a variety of services, including oil changes, tire changes, and chassis lubrication. In this article, we will focus on chassis lubrication, providing a brief overview of what it is and why you need this service.

Chassis Lubrication: What It Is and Why You Need It

• What is Chassis Lubrication? – To explain chassis lubrication, we first have to define the term chassis. To put it simply, the chassis of a vehicle is the base frame to which the wheels and all other parts are attached. Chassis lubrication is the process of applying oil or grease to the chassis and all its connection points in order to minimize the friction between it and the other parts of your vehicle.

• Why You Need Chassis Lubrication – As we mentioned above, the purpose of lubrication is to minimize friction between moving parts. Without sufficient lubrication, the various parts of your car will create a lot of friction as the car runs, causing the parts to heat up. This heat in turn diminishes your vehicle’s overall performance, and it can even lead to damage over time. To keep your car running smoothly and to ensure it lasts as long as possible, you will need to get it lubricated periodically. Our team makes it easy to get chassis lubrication, as we fold that service into our standard oil change package. While we are changing the oil, we’ll go ahead and lubricate the chassis as well.